Core Values

Created by members across the WBM team, our values tree is rooted in the meaningful relationships that we share with our client community, and illustrates the ideals, beliefs, and actions that guide us.

We need to look no further than our 73-year heritage in Western Canada to know that the solutions we are providing now are not the same as those we were providing yesterday, and they will be different again as we look to the future. What must remain consistent however, is our understanding and our commitment to our clients. As long as we are in alignment with the Strategic Objectives of our client community, we will be a healthy and valuable partner to our customers.

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A Great Day for Everyone

WBM’s fishing day brings members of our team together with local community school children, where the lesson is simply how fortunate we are to be here, together. Being relaxed, having patience, and being a part of nature can sometimes be the simplest and most important gift we can give.

When the Arts, Technology, and Children are connected, spirits are lifted

Recognizing the role that technology can play in enabling great work, while being driven by a bigger picture, the people of Persephone Theatre and WBM came together. The opportunity to lift the spirits of community school children who have so much to give made the impact of this work very special.


