Take the First Step to Digital Transformation

Whether working from home, the office, or in the field, you can advance the way your team uses technology with WBM’s award-winning Modern Workplace Enablement Framework.

Working within your teams, we will kickstart your digital transformation with discovery sessions and a review of recent outcomes and innovations we’ve created with our clients. Using those outcomes as a guide, we will work together to uncover opportunities for quick wins related to end user adoption, workflow automation and time and productivity savings.

From there we will build momentum across your teams and drive transformations that have a measurable impact on your organization.

Nick Wright
As an innovative and forward-thinking engineering firm, we challenge WBM Technologies to stay aligned closely with our business as our needs on technology continue to change and inevitably grow. Over the last few years WBM has continually helped Engcomp navigate and implement a number of technologies – specifically the migration, rollout and change management/training of Microsoft 365 suite of applications.
Stage 1: Alignment & Outcomes Desired Stage 2: Departmental Discoveries Stage 3: Enterprise Specific Adoption Pathways Stage 4: Go Live! Stage 5: Custom Adoption Outcomes Report
Stage 1: Alignment & Outcomes Desired

Stage 1: Alignment & Outcomes Desired

Get started with a 60-minute alignment workshop with Executive & OCM Teams

  • Understand existing initiatives, philosophies, and toolsets.
  • Share Adoption Framework for key insights, suggestions, leadership oversight & buy-in
  • Understand any key dates/timelines, outcomes desired.
  • Identify candidates for initial departments/workflows for launch.
Stage 2: Departmental Discoveries

Stage 2: Departmental Discoveries

Discoveries generate data-driven insights across a subset of 2 – 3 work groups concurrently.

  • Understanding the current state environment.
  • Connecting with end users, and identification of potential champions.
  • Designed to be rapid and non-intrusive.
  • Discovery of time consuming, repetitive, and problematic workflows.
  • Establishing baseline data on key productivity metrics such as how long to find a file, or how long to perform a key task.
Stage 3: Enterprise Specific Adoption Pathways

Stage 3: Enterprise Specific Adoption Pathways

An adoption pathway, customized around the actual work being done, and built from a complete set of proven best practices.

  • Select from a suite of Best Practices to build the approach that best fits your organization.
  • Identified key applications with M365 for initial focus and impact on specific workflows.
  • Harvest ‘low hanging fruit’ for quick wins, building immediate momentum in transformation.

Establish desired outcomes specific to each area of the organization.

  • Focus areas range from measured productivity gains and time savings, to connecting teams across geographies, eliminating tasks, automating workflows, or wow factor end user experience and satisfaction metrics.
Stage 4: Go Live!

Stage 4: Go Live!

An initial welcome meeting is hosted.

  • An announcement of the program, and the new resources that are now available, including the Support button for instant access to the PowerBar and on-demand training videos.
  • An overview of the work that has been done to listen to each of them, and to develop an approach just for them.
  • An example of a specific workflow that we have worked to refine and make easier for them.
  • Department-specific content is created, promoted, and measured.

Productivity and support data is dashboarded along with outcome aligned adoption metrics.

Stage 5: Custom Adoption Outcomes Report

Stage 5: Custom Adoption Outcomes Report

At one month, each department will be in position to receive a published outcome executive summary.

  • Outcomes, productivity gains, new workflow automation, end user commentary, and more.
  • All designed to share your successes in delivering digital transformation and enablement, all while becoming MORE productive, MORE collaborative, and MORE informative.

With each outcome report, more momentum, awareness, and buy-in is generated, setting up the next wave of successes across the organization.

Ready to embark on your journey?

You need to move forward, and we have more to share. If the work we’re focused on has you thinking about how to make things happen, we’d love to hear more about it.

Request a Call
